Adult & Seniors
Adult & Seniors

The founder of LCF KIDS has written three books that many parents and clients of LCF use as a supplemental guide when working with their children at home. Adaptive Fitness & Gross Motor Development, Adaptive Sports Fundamentals & How to Ride a Bike in 24-Hours. We also offer an E-Book of our Gross Motor Skills Development Program for professionals in the field.

Motor Development
Activities for Kids

Adaptive Sports Fundamentals
An increasing majority of children have difficulty with motor skills development such as running, jumping, playing sports, riding a bike, playing creational activities. Because they exhibit challenges with motor delays, self-esteem, and coordination issues. These challenges make it difficult for children to just be children and participate in group activities with their peers. Early intervention is critical when dealing with such issues. Now, with the help of these Motor Development Activities for Kids, parents will be able to work with their children in the comfort of their homes. They will have a step by step guide of 60 motor development activities on how to perform these activities the correct way and with proper form. This book will guide parents on how to perform the techniques for each activity. And more importantly, they will be able to interact, connect, empower, and motivate their children into going beyond unexpected limits of the motor skills.
Many children play sports without learning the fundamental skills needed to execute the skills correctly. This books breaks down the fundamental skills needed for 10 of the most popular sports: basketball, football, baseball, softball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, badminton, track, and ultimate Frisbee. This book gives step by step instructions of how the instructor/parent can teach a child to develop their skills. For those children that are physically challenged, I have included the adaptive (hands-on) techniques with step by step instructions of how to assist that child with performing the sport skills. And most importantly, this book will allow children grow in their abilities and go beyond unexpected limits.

How to Ride a
Bike in 24-Hours
Ricardo Cunningham is by far the LEADER in the industry of adaptive fitness and gross motor development for children and young adults with disabilities.
His book How to Ride a Bike in 24-Hours allows parents to take his techniques and apply them at home. Parents have travelled extreme distances to bring their children to Ricardo so their child could experience the joy and pride or being able to ride their bikes independently. Well there is only one Ricardo Cunningham, and so he has decided to share his secrets of teaching bike riding so that he may be able to reach and help all children beyond his geographical area.

Adaptive Fitness &
Gross Motor Development
Early intervention is critical when dealing with motor delays. Now, with the help of Adaptive Fitness & Gross Motor Development, parents will be able to work with their children in the comfort of their home. They will have a step by step guide on how to perform gross motor development activities the correct way and with proper form. They will be given step by step instructions on how to perform hands on techniques for each activity for those children that need more assistance with performing the skills. And more importantly, they will be able to interact, connect with, empower, and motivate their children into going beyond expected limits.